We are pleased to notify you of this upcoming Children’s Ministry Leaders’ Conference on October 7-8, 2016 in Riga, Latvia at Good News Church, 99 Unijas Street, Riga, LV-1084.  This is an international conference for those who serve or would like to serve children in their churches and communities.  It is our desire to provide high-quality training to empower you and your leaders to reach this generation for Christ.


Our speakers are experts and represent years of ministry in this field.  They include Aija Grinberga, experienced public school teacher and counselor in Ogre. Daina Vekmane, Director of Children’s Ministry at Spring of Life Church in Ventspils. Sharon McCammon, missionary to Lithuania. John Wilson, International Royal Rangers and veteran missionary to Russia. Markus Wolf, missionary and children’s pastor at International Church in Kiev, Ukraine and many more.

Come expecting God to do great things, empowering you and your servants to be effective in reaching outside the walls of your church building to minister to the children of your communities!

Samples of Topics for sessions and workshops:

  • Are we missing the target? – Sharon McCammon

  • Content in what we teach that brings change – Sharon McCammon

  • Introduction to Royal Rangers International: a Discipleship Bible club – John Wilson

  • Puppetry for teaching – Markus Wolf

  • Clarifying Parents responsibility in raising children – Sharon McCammon

  • Depth not breath; Understanding every new experience a child will have goes through their filter of “World View” – Sharon McCammon

  • Creating Characters – Markus Wolf  

  • The difference between communicating with Boys and Girls – John Wilson

  • And More...

Schedule of Conference:

Friday evening, October 7, 2016

Registration begins at 17:00

Conference begins at 18:00 – 21:45, with snack break

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Registration begins at 9:00

Conferernce begins at 10:00 – 19:00, with two coffee breaks, time for lunch break

Registration Fee:

Payment deadline October 3, 2016 for registration fee of 10 Euros per person, which includes 3 coffee breaks and all materials.  There are many options for lunch with cafes close by the church. You are on your own for the expense of lunch on Saturday.

Church sending 5 or more participants for the entire conference will pay 8 euros per person.  Friday evening only or Saturday only participants will pay 7 euros per person.

After the deadline the fee will increase to 15 euros per person and no discount for 5 or more participants. 

If You  have questions, send it by e-mail:

Many of you will find friends to stay with in Riga for Friday night, but if you need a place to stay, please contact Darja Kuznecova at Good News Church at +371 2948 1471 or the church number, +371 6780 2150.





99 Unijas Street, Riga

(c) 2008 LVDC
Tel.: (+371) 67242033, Fax: (+371) 67242743, e-mail:
Gertrudes 72, Riga, LV-1009, Latvia